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Plastic products as alternative materials in construction

In modern society, plastic is a negative product in the way of thinking of consumers because its structure is difficult to decompose and lasts for a long time, even thousands of years in the natural environment, so people are trying to limit it. recycling plastic waste by limiting the use of plastic products and putting plastic into another lifecycle  and one of those ways is to “turn plastic that is no longer used into a strong, stable building material” stable, and sustainable like making asphalt, making bricks to build houses…

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PVC / ASA Plastic Tile, also a result of the process of forming from plastic, in the research of new materials – new techniques, including the advantages of light weight, high hardness, water resistance, moisture resistance, anti-corrosion, fireproof, soundproof, heat insulation, suitable with modern trends in construction, very suitable in urban architecture, civil houses, factory buildings as well as high-class villas, garages , or ancient restored architecture.

With the criteria of sustainable development Green Plastic Tile Company (GREEN BM) with strategic orientation to focus on business in the field of genuine building materials, produced by advanced technology and environmental protection, currently Now, the company has launched GreenBM branded Plastic Roofing Tiles, this is a high-class PVC/ASA product line, trademark protection and exclusive distribution throughout Vietnam.

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With the vision and orientation to become the leading supplier of GREEN building materials in Vietnam in the next 10 years, the company has taken a step forward to turn plastic into a sustainable building material because in plastic fully converges the characteristics. strong, durable, water-resistant, lightweight, moldable, and recyclable – in a word, plastic has all the important properties to make a building material.

The product has a 4-layer structure, including: 03 layers of light-resistant PVC plastic, with high heat-, force-, and sound-insulating ability and 01 ASA color coating with special additives against UV rays. Thanks to the 4-layer structure, including a high-grade ASA resin coating, the product is resistant to weather from hot sun or rainstorms, helping the product to slow down aging, slow fading, and ensure a long service life. up to 30 years.

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The biggest feature of PVC/ASA plastic sheeting is: “warm winter, cool summer, beautiful product, reasonable price”, is a new product of Vietnam, when put into wide application confidently will changing the corrugated iron and tile market, following the government’s directive is a society that is no longer polluted, greener, cleaner and more beautiful.

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Besides the main materials are PVC/ASA Green Plastic Sheet and Tile, to be able to complete the construction of a project, the company also manufactures accompanying accessories: Roof panel, Roof rib panel, Roof top panel , Roof edge panels, rib tail panels, eaves frills, roof corners, hoods, etc. These accessories are also manufactured by 4-layer technology, synchronous with Ton Tile in terms of quality as well as color. .

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With 4-layer PVC/ASA corrugated iron products, the company is confident to be a pioneer with different and independent products in the market with a structure with good bearing capacity, slow aging, heat transfer prevention and good character. high heat.

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PVC / ASA products are proud to contribute to leaving the next generations a cleaner, more sustainable planet in order to provide solutions to form a circular economy.

