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Origins and Benefits of Eco-Plastics (Part 1)

Every year the amount of plastic waste produced by humans is enough to cover four times the surface of the earth, of which 13 million tons of plastic waste are dumped into the ocean. Aware of the harmful effects of plastic waste, in 2018 the United Nations launched a movement to tackle plastic and plastic pollution.

Besides, in order to effectively solve the problem of plastic waste pollution in Vietnam. On June 9, 2019, the Prime Minister launched the nationwide launching ceremony of the anti-plastic waste movement. The movement has spread and created positive effects nationwide. Recognizing the harmful effects of plastic waste, in 2018 the United Nations launched a movement to tackle plastic and nylon pollution.

Nguồn gốc và Lợi ích của Nhựa Sinh Thái

Plastic is a very convenient, easy-to-operate, low-cost material. and human health. These plastics are collectively known as Plastic Waste.


Harm to human health when using:

Plastic bags, straws, disposable plastic cups, styrofoam boxes, plastic bottled water… are mainly recycled from used plastic products, some chemicals found in these plastic products such as: Plasticizers, dyes, lead, cadmium… will be released into food, then absorbed into the human body through the process of use. These chemicals accumulate for a long time and can cause cancer, adversely affect brain development in children, change tissues, change chromosomes, miscarriage, birth defects, hormonal changes. and many other consequences for human health.

Burning plastic and nylon waste poses a danger to public health:

Due to the increasing demand for use, the amount of plastic waste and plastic bags discharged into the environment is increasing, while the management, collection and treatment of garbage are not timely, so the phenomenon of burning plastic waste and bags Nylon is also very popular. When burned in the environment, it will produce many toxic gases, including dioxins and furans, which are extremely toxic substances that can cause breathing difficulties, affect endocrine glands, reduce immunity, and dysfunction. digestion… Especially there is a risk of cancer when exposed regularly.

Negative impact on ecological environment:

Single-use plastic bags and plastic products, only used for a very short time and then thrown away, but these products have the characteristics of long-term decomposition, its harmful effects are not only great for human health. but also with the environment and ecosystems on earth. According to researchers, it takes 500-1000 years for plastic bags to decompose in the natural environment. Meanwhile, the amount of plastic waste discharged into the environment is very large, nearly one-third of the daily waste plastic bags are not collected and treated. As a result, plastic waste and plastic bags are everywhere, causing heavy environmental pollution and creating conditions for diseases to multiply and develop.


To reduce the harmful effects of plastic waste, one of the effective methods is to use plastic waste recycling. The plastic is sorted, collected, cleaned and then put into a recycling process. The concept of “ecological plastic” or “recycled plastic” is still quite new to many people, even those who are interested in environmental issues.

As the name implies, recycled plastic is a type of plastic that is created after the process of collecting and recycling old plastics. Recycled plastic saves materials and reduces plastic waste into the environment. Some products such as plastic bottles and plastic boxes can be recycled to produce new plastic products that are more advanced than the original plastic.

Nguồn gốc và Lợi ích của Nhựa Sinh Thái

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